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Tips & Advice

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Tips & Advice

Buying in Toronto: condo vs. house

Buying in Toronto: condo vs. house

Considering buying a condo in Toronto as your first home? Read this!

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good!

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good!

Looking for that “perfect” property in Toronto? If you wait for a place that has ALL your must-haves, you could be waiting for a long time, or never finding what you want.

Riding the real estate roller coaster: emotions of the deal

Riding the real estate roller coaster: emotions of the deal

Buying or selling a property is a big, emotional experience: it’s normal to feel excited, disappointed, happy and frustrated (some days, all at the same time!).

Climbing the property ladder: leveraging equity

Climbing the property ladder: leveraging equity

Ready to upgrade to a bigger home or get into an investment property? A mortgage broker and agent weigh in on the benefits of borrowing against your existing property.

Timing the market vs. time IN the market

Timing the market vs. time IN the market

Is now the right time to buy? The answer is usually yes – if you plan on buying and holding.

What is an offer date?

What is an offer date?

An offer date is a specific day when sellers will consider offers to buy their property, and is a strategy for generating multiple offers on real estate.

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