

First-Time Buyer Hub

First-Time Buyer Hub

Buying your first place and don't know where to start? We've got you covered with tips and advice for first-timers. Feel free to browse through the options below, or click here for an easy-to-navigate list of all our first-time buyers resources.


7 ways parents can help their kids become homeowners

7 ways parents can help their kids become homeowners

7 ways parents can help their children become homeowners (not all of them involve handing over a bunch of cash).

Should I buy a condo with high maintenance fees?

Should I buy a condo with high maintenance fees?

If the condo fees on a listing seem high, here are some reasons why – and some things to consider before making a decision.

Pre-con 101: interim occupancy explained

Pre-con 101: interim occupancy explained

Occupancy of a newly built condo isn’t the same as ownership. Here’s what you need to know about interim occupancy and the fees you’ll pay before you officially own the unit.

What’s a condo reserve fund and why is it important?

What’s a condo reserve fund and why is it important?

A reserve fund is a condominium’s “emergency savings account” – if it isn’t healthy, that’s a buyer red flag.

Why you should buy instead of renting

Why you should buy instead of renting

Top agent Sean Miller talks about why it’s usually better to buy something small now than wait until you can afford something bigger. Here’s how even cash-strapped buyers can more easily become homeowners.

Real estate commissions explained

Real estate commissions explained

A quick rundown of how real estate agents get paid – and what their commissions pay for.

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