BlogSean Miller
Sean Miller
5 ways to win a bidding war

5 ways to win a bidding war

Educate yourself, go in firm, put a human face on the transaction, consider a bully offer, and most importantly, work with an experienced realtor.

Not all square footage is created equal: here’s why

Not all square footage is created equal: here’s why

Why is one 700 square foot condo worth so much more than another? It comes down to location, view, floor height, finishes...and a few other key factors.

Do this before you sell

Do this before you sell

8 ways to appeal to buyers and boost property value when you're selling your Toronto house or condo.

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good!

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good!

Looking for that “perfect” property in Toronto? If you wait for a place that has ALL your must-haves, you could be waiting for a long time, or never finding what you want.

Riding the real estate roller coaster: emotions of the deal

Riding the real estate roller coaster: emotions of the deal

Buying or selling a property is a big, emotional experience: it’s normal to feel excited, disappointed, happy and frustrated (some days, all at the same time!).

Timing the market vs. time IN the market

Timing the market vs. time IN the market

Is now the right time to buy? The answer is usually yes – if you plan on buying and holding.

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