5 things people love about our websites

5 things people love about our websites

When you’re buying or selling a property, there’s a lot you need to know before you can make a smart move. Like what comparable properties recently sold for. What the average price per square foot is in the area. Accurate info about unit size and price per square foot. And you need one resource that has all that information in one easy-to-use place. 

That’s what buyers, sellers, renters and investors love about condos.ca, property.ca, and mrloft.ca – it’s a resource they can turn to find what they need to make informed decisions. Here are the 5 site features they love most. 

1. Price history search

Buyers, sellers, and renters: did you know you can find out what almost any property in the GTA sold or was rented for, going all the way back to 2003? When you're trying to determine what to offer or how to price your place to sell, this tool is your secret weapon. Here’s a quick “how to” on searching for sold and rented listings (VIDEO)

2. Values & trends

Buyers and sellers: want to see how much properties in the area have appreciated over time – or how much maintenance fees have gone up? These graphs show the average price per square foot in the neighbourhood. And because condos.ca and property.ca are the only sites that calculate actual square footage (no ballpark numbers here), you’ll know the number you’re seeing is right on the money.

3. “You may also like” feature

Buyers: depending on how you’ve set your search filters, you could miss out on a great place that happens to have maintenance fees slightly above your set threshold, or square footage that’s a bit lower than your ideal. This sophisticated recommendation feature offers up possibilities that don’t appear in your search. It uses some pretty advanced AI and machine learning to serve up recos based on your past searches.

4. Nearby listings

Buyers and renters: if that perfect property is two streets outside your search parameters, you could miss it. Good thing there’s this handy tool, which shows you listings that are a little outside your search area, on a street or in a building that you maybe hadn’t considered.

5. Comparison tool

Buyers: if you’ve ever bought a laptop online, you know the drill: you can line up several models for a side-by-side comparison that makes it easier to decide. Condos.ca and property.ca let you do the same thing for a much bigger-ticket item: your future home.

The comparison tool lets you look at up to 8 properties on one screen, getting an at-a-glance view of price, size, maintenance fees, amenities and more. It lists building and neighbourhood features side-by-side, too, so it’s a lot easier to compare apples to apples. You can also compare sold properties – just toggle your search from “for sale” to “sold” before selecting listings to include.

Watch the video on how to compare your favourites

These 5 tools are just the tip of the iceberg...

We’ve only highlighted a handful of the features that make using our sites such a great experience. Users also love:

  • enhanced demographic data that shows you who lives in a neighbourhood

  • listing alerts that let you know whenever there’s a new property that matches your criteria

  • neighbourhood guides that appear dynamically in every listing

  • a “favourites” feature to track interesting possibilities

  • a mortgage calculator to see if you can afford a specific property

  • in-depth info about every condo building in the GTA

  • ...and more.

Want access to all these high-value tools? Sign up for an account today to get the full experience.

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